Every car in the country has to be insured if at all it is going to be used on the road. There are many insurance companies to choose from. One of the best ways to locate a good insurance company is reading reviews of some of the tops service providers. Take your time to compare car insurance quotes offered by different companies. This will help you to make an informed decision at the end of the day. If you have been looking for the best car insurance online quotes, then your search should end here. This article has outlined top ten auto insurance companies in the US.
1. Allstate
For many years, Allstate has been among the leading insurance companies in the country. The service provider offers a wide range of policy options that suit the needs of different car owners. They also offer different insurance packages. This makes it easy to find one that will meet your needs.
2. State Farm Insurance
The insurance providers offers clients with attractive discounts and various policy options. The insurer ensures that customers get plenty of packages thus making it easy to select the best.
3. Government Employees Insurance Company
Geico is an insurance companies managed and owned by Berkshire Hathaway. It offers private auto insurance in different states of the US. If you want the least expensive insurance, do not look beyond this service provider.
4. Progressive
The multinational insurance provider offers auto, watercraft, bike, snowmobile and Segway insurance. The company was started in the year 1937. Since then, it has become a leading insurance provider in the United States of America.
5. Nationwide
Founded in 1925, Nationwide Insurance is among the largest financial organizations in the entire world. The company keeps its customers happy by offering them with a wide range of policies at a low cost.
6. AA Auto Insurance
American Automobile Associations is an insurance company that mainly deals with auto insurance. The nonprofit oriented organization offers different services including first aid, emergence road services and towing just to mention some of them. Founded in the year 1902, the insurer understand your needs.
7. Liberty Mutual
Started in 1912, Liberty Mutual is among the oldest company in the nation. It covers auto insurance, home insurance and other forms of insurance. It provides customers with comprehensive auto insurance at competitive rates. It also offers services in 20 other countries of the world.
8. 21st Century Insurance
Our list of the best auto insurance companies will be incomplete without mentioning this insurer. It works in collaboration with top auto insurance providers to ensure that you get high quality services.
GMAC was founded in 1939 and has grown to become a world spanning conglomerate. The service provider has made their customer needs a top priority. In addition to being one of the best companies, they offer a wide range of insurance products.
10. American International Group
AIG promises customers major saving compared to its competitors. The main focus of the insurer is providing you with low cost insurance policies. It offers services in more than 130 countries of the world. In addition to car insurance, they also provide customers with retirement as well as asset management services.
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