Thursday, 5 February 2015

What is not covered by GHIP

It is well known that prescribed drugs and dentistry are not covered by Government Health Insurance Plan(GHIP). But there's more exclusion. The following is a summary of an article from CBC website.


1) Ambulance Fees

- Most provinces charge a user fee of $45 to more than $500.
Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador also charge a user fee for transportation between hospitals.

2) Hospital Parking

- It can be expensive for patients who need regular treatment such as chemotherapy or dialysis.
-Parking fees are a major revenue source for many hospitals, and the rates have been rising across the country.

3) Crutches, wheelchairs

- Crutches, casts,canes can cost you.
Wheelchairs, walkers and hearing aids are also not covered, though some provinces have programs to help offset the costs.

4) Paperwork

- Getting those from doctors are not covered: Medical files, prescription refills, insurance or disability forms, or medical notes for school or work.

5) Medically Unnecessary procedures

- Wart removal (which can cost you $50 or more) 
- Treatment of varicose veins 
- Infant circumcision (which typically costs between $200 and $500)
- In some provinces, an annual physical exam is not covered
- Cosmetic procedures- Vaccinations needed for travel.
Source:CBC website

The article on CBC website points out downside of this system; " A Marketplace survey found that 42 per cent of Canadians say they might delay calling an ambulance because of the cost."  It is so unfortunate if you have to think of cost when your life is in crisis.  Extended Health Care provided by private insurance companies will ease your mind.
It also should be noted that prices for those medical expenses vary from province to province.For instance, a traveller who has BC MSP will have to pay $240 if he is to call 9-1-1 for a land ambulance service in Ontario. If this happened in his home province, the cost will be $130. This is why Provincial Governments encourage Canadians who travel across Canada to obtain additional private medical insurance.  No worries. Many insurance companies offer travel insurance at a good price for Within Canada Only travelers.

Purchase insurance today for your peace of mind.  Call us and we can help you!

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