Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Pre-Existing Medical

At Holsure we understand that many people have irrelevant, minor health conditions and yet cannot go abroad because they can't get adequate travel insurance cover. We pride ourselves on offering cover for as many conditions as possible. We try hard to ensure that as many people who want to travel, can. Many conditions are certainly not life threatening and may not even be expected to impinge upon your holiday plans in any way and yet some companies place expensive restrictions or even exclusions on these conditions - we try to help as much as we can - we don't want you taking the risk of travelling without insurance...

Please click here to see a copy of the policy wording for our medical conditions scheme and view the health conditions which apply. Other policies on our website have different health conditions and you should review the Health Declarations as part of the quote process prior to accepting the quote. 

If you cannot comply with the relevant health conditions you will be given a number to call for medical screening. The medical screening service will ask detailed questions about your health and medication and will then either confirm cover, request a small additional premium (to be paid separately to the medical screening helpline) or in rare cases refuse cover for your particular condition.  

Alternatively, you can purchase the policy and call the medical screening healthline within 14 days (or before you travel if this is sooner) once you receive the policy. 

For specialist travel insurance for those with pre-existing medical conditions, choose to insure your hols with Holsure HERE.

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